
Radio Silent

So I have been pretty radio silent this week where this blog is concerned. And while I don't imagine that has been a concern to anyone, it certainly isn't what I intended two weeks into a blog that I am determined to make the most of. Needless to say, it has concerned me.

So here goes...it has just been one of those weeks. You know the kind, I'm sure. I have just been in a funk for a number of reasons - feeling like I can never be enough for everyone and that no matter how hard I try to get things done or make people happy, I end up feeling defeated. 

I have come to the realization that my sweet little girl isn't just teething, or just tired. She is just learning to exert her little will and throw some legit tantrums. She has developed a new noise that is a cross between crying, whining, and screaming. It's a lovely sound I can assure you. By about hour 9 of the last few days together, I have just had about enough and evidently so has she. I realize this is all normal, but some days it is just easier to handle than others.

On top of that, I let a friend's words hurt my feelings this week. I'm positive this person didn't mean to hurt me and probably doesn't even know their words did hurt me, but you know, sometimes words just sting. 

And then on top of that, the upstairs of my house looks like a bomb has exploded in it. I don't have any laundry to put away, but only because our hampers are overflowing with clothes that need to be washed. Adeline got into my small jewelry stash in our closet and has it all strewn about the bedroom. She also located our medicine chest in the guest bathroom vanity and has relocated a bottle of Tums and several bottles of cold medicine to various parts of our 2nd floor. This has only succeeded in reminding me how behind we are on the whole babyproofing thing and that just adds another item to my endless list of to-dos.

You get the idea, I hardly think I need to go on, but trust me, I could. So I did what any self respecting woman does when she needs to pull herself together: I marched myself to Home Goods...ALONE! And after a little browsing at Home Goods (didn't spend a dime, but they had a lot of cute things this go around) and picking up some things for Adam for Father's Day (not at HG), I feel like I have a better perspective on things.  Here's the thing, a lot of really good things happened this week too.

On Monday Adeline and I met up with a friend to work on a Father's Day surprise for Adam. While at our secret location, she took her first steps! I wish Adam had been there too, but she did it 3 or 4 times and I was able to get the last one on video.

On Tuesday night I met up with a girlfriend for a long overdue dinner. It was so great to catch up with her. Great conversation, great food, great {adult} beverages, and all that with a great friend. I am so thankful to have so many wonderful friends.

On Wednesday night we had family photos taken by a neighbor and new friend. We were supposed to have them done last week, but the weather didn't cooperate. I wasn't sure how Adeline would do at 6 p.m., and while she cried the whole way there, she did great for the photos and the weather was perfect. It wasn't too hot, or humid, or buggy. I am so thankful. We haven't seen the proofs yet, but I know we got some great shots. We haven't had family photos taken and we have hardly any shots of the three of us taken together, so and I am so grateful that we had the chance to do this.

Today I hosted a little playdate at our house, and it is always a blessing to share even 90 minutes with other moms and know that what I experience on a daily basis is normal. 

Finally, let me just say this. I warned in my first blog post that if you read this blog you would encounter anything and everything. This "place" is my sounding board, a way for me to get things off my chest when the average age of my daily audience is, well, 1. I don't expect everyone I know to read this blog or to enjoy it, but just know that no matter what I say here, I am thankful for my life and my current place in life. I may not be a powerhouse in a boardroom, or a world traveler, or leading a highly interesting life to the average outside observer. However, I am 100% sure that despite the frustrations I might face on a daily basis, I am exactly where God has planted me in this season of my life. And for that I am thankful.

And for fun, I leave you with this picture. It should be obvious that our efforts to raise a young lady with southern manners are paying off. Afterall, don't all southern ladies dump their Cheerios on the floor, then cram as many as possible in each fist an only when their fists are full resort to just simply eating them straight off the floor? Yes? No? My work is clearly not done :)

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