
Midweek Randoms

{In full disclosure: Megan over at In This Wonderful Life often does a midweek post that she entitles Midweek Randoms. I always enjoy reading hers so thought I would give a stab at one myself. I give Megan full credit for the catchy title. And I love her blog too!}
  • Today was a MUCH better day on the homefront. Monday and Tuesday were rough! Adeline was under the weather with a fever that began Monday evening. I'm happy to report that she has been fever free since late morning today. And she was so much more pleasant to be around. A lot less whining today and a lot more smiling, babbling, and belly laughing. Thank you God! I'm praying tomorrow she is completely fever free so we can get out and enjoy this hot weather!
  • I could tell Adeline was feeling better when she allowed me 15 minutes to put her dinner together tonight while she happily played. This rarely happens. She kept herself busy doing one of her favorite things: rearranging the lower shelves of our pantry. I am OCD about a lot of things in life, and my pantry is one of them. I like it organized, but Adeline clearly has other plans for it right now. Oh well. I have given up keeping it tidy for the time being.

Now imagine my surprise when I rounded the corner into our pantry area to discover this:

Apparently the girl likes to stack: Organic honey, JIF peanut butter, crushed pineapple, Happy Baby Munchies, and Plum Baby puffs. I swear that I had no hand in doing this.
  • I know this is going to be riveting news, but I finally found a stainless steel cleaner that I actually think I like. For me this is groundbreaking because I have lived with SS appliances for over 5 years now and have never found a fool proof method to wiping off fingerprints and water stains. If you have, please share.
  • We ran to a nearby Christian bookstore this afternoon. I picked up a new Bible study on Ruth that I'm excited to do. There are so many studies that I saw that I would love to do, but so many of them have DVDs that accompany them (and probably intended to be used by large groups and churches). Unfortunately the DVDs are expensive. I wish there was a way to "rent" them for a smaller fee. Regardless, I'm excited to go through the study I picked up.
  • Finally, I do not profess to have a green thumb AT ALL when it comes to gardening and landscape. However, I can remember many summers spent helping my mom take care of our flower beds. I may have done it begrudgingly at times, but I think I actually enjoyed it somewhat. Last year, with a newborn, we didn't have much going on, but this year I added some annuals to our front porch and brought out a planter I got a few years ago from Crate and Barrel for our deck. It is a start. Adeline "helps" me water them each day. And by help I mean she sits in the wagon, laughs when I turn on the hose, and watches me. This summer is also the first time some of our monkey grass has bloomed those pretty little purple flowers. We still have some bigger plans in mind down the road, but this is a fun start.

Can we talk about these cute planters for a second? Our front porch/landing is quite narrow and I have always felt that putting a plant stand at the top would crown the front door. I found these planters at Crate and Barrel a few weeks ago and they fit perfectly and hang over this little section of railing. I LOVE them and feel like they add a lot of charm to our front porch. Once again, thank you C&B!

I also picked up these funky pillows for our deck chairs. They are a little modern, but I love the pops of color.

And that, my friends, is all I got!

P.S. - Does anyone else find the photo formatting on Blogger a little annoying? I have to figure something else out. If anyone has suggestions/tips, please let me know.

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