Today you are 14 months old! I wish I would have done these posts all along, but better late than never, right? I feel like there was such a countdown to 12 months, and now the past two months have flown by.
Your little personality is really starting to shine and I love spending my days with you. Sometimes you are serious and sometimes you are goofy. I love to hear you laugh and giggle. You love to blow kisses. You have been walking full time for about two weeks now and are really getting the hang of it. You still aren't very graceful, but you are thrilled with your new ability. I also think that walking has helped you chill out a little bit when I walk away from you. Baby steps - in more ways than one!
You still love music, and you aren't picky. As long as it has a good beat, you are a happy girl. We spend a lot of time listening to music because you don't really have any interest in the TV or movies, which is okay with me. Sometimes I do wish that I could pop in a cartoon to entertain you for a few minutes, but I am sure that day will come. Confession: I mostly just want an excuse to watch Disney princess movies with you.
Now that you are walking, you really like to go outside. The heat has made this a challenge, but I try to take you out several times a day even if it is only for 10 or 15 minutes at a time. If I tell you that it is time to go outside, you immediately walk over to the garage door. I also take you for long walks each day in your "battle stroller" - that is what Daddy calls your jogging stroller. This is the best way for me to get exercise most days and you enjoy it most of the time. Your favorite part is when we pass by someone walking a dog or when a neighborhood cat walks by.
You still aren't saying many words besides Mama and Dad, but I can really tell that you are trying to mimic sounds and words that I make. If I say, "Yum!" you will say, "Mum!" I have also noticed you trying to mimic me when I say "zebra" and "elephant". Even though you aren't talking a lot, you babble a lot. And I can tell that you understand a LOT of the words we say. You can also make several animal sounds. Although if you don't know what sound an animal makes, your default tends to be "Moo!"
You continue to sleep pretty well at night. You go to bed at 7 p.m. and usually sleep about 12 hours. You are still taking two naps a day. I don't think you are ready to go down to 1 nap quite yet. We still rock you before bedtime and naps, but usually for just a couple of minutes. You tend to get pretty squirmy and I know you just want to be put into your crib. When you sleep, you require three things: a pacifier, your lovey, and a pink blanket that you have recently become attached to. Once you wake up I make you leave all three of these things in your bedroom. The only other time you are allowed to have a paci is if you get fussy in the car and sometimes at church.
Unfortunately, you have become a pretty picky eater. Things you don't seem to like: most meats, most vegetables, most pastas, peanut butter, jelly, bread. Things that you like a lot: fruit, fruit, yogurt, fruit. Based on those lists, it is safe to say that trying to feed you a balanced diet has become a little bit of a challenge. Sometimes I just have to get creative and I have come to accept that if you like a meat or vegetable one day, it is safe to say you won't like it the next day. Fortunately, in the last few weeks you have grown to love (cow's) milk. It took a little creativity on my part to transition you, but we finally got there. I nursed you for 13 and a half months and it was so worth it. I will always cherish that time to bond with you, even if it meant lots of waking up in the middle of the night at certain times.
One of the hard things about staying home with you is that I think you get sick of your toys pretty quickly. I try to rotate toys around the house so you play with them in different areas. You still love to mess with our phones, Daddy's iPad, and the remote controls. You also like to get into the kitchen cabinets and especially the pantry. Recently you have also become very interested in the toilets - great!
Your favorite books right now are Barnyard Dance, Thank You Prayer, Who is Coming to Our House?, and Llama Llama Home with Mama. You look at lots of your books each day, though. And while I can't usually get through a whole book with you, you like to turn the pages and point to the pictures.
You are changing and growing so fast, Adeline. Sometimes I miss my little baby girl, but it is hard to be too sad as I watch you develop. Even during the roughest of days with you, I am so thankful for you. You make my day each time you come over and crawl into my lap (even if I am trying to fold a load of laundry!). Your Daddy and I love you very much and feel blessed that God chose us to be your parents.
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