Today was a pretty low key day. For some reason this week seems like it is dragging, but it is a busy week so it was kind of nice to have a day with very little on the calendar.
Adeline and I started our morning off with a little iPhone photo shoot. It amazes us how in tune she is with technology and our phones are one of her favorite things to play with.
This thing nearly cost me an arm and a leg. I am seriously going to have to forego Starbucks for the next month, but I am a little nostalgic about this movie. It is the first Disney movie I remember seeing in the theater.
Anyways, I put the movie in for a few minutes before Adeline's nap, and she wasn't too into it, but I think someday she will be. It's funny watching these movies back as an adult what things I notice that I didn't as a kid. For instance, I wonder if this movie were made today if they would have made Cinderella's hair longer. I'm also pretty sure that she has 80s bangs in the picture on the cover. No matter, Cinderella is one of my favorite Disney princesses. Oh, and we were watching The Little Mermaid one day and I'm pretty sure that when King Triton destroyed Ariel's cave of treasures it was a really bad example of good parenting.
This afternoon I spent a good chunk of time picking up around the house. I gave my friend Katie a tour of our house last night and then this morning I was really embarrassed by that decision. Our house was a mess when she came through and my conscience couldn't let it go any longer. It always feels good to get things put away, but man, I could spend a solid week around here organizing closets and cupboards and cleaning. And I feel like I do those things all the time already!
Adeline was clearly "over it" by the time 5:30 rolled around so I put her in the jogging stroller and took her for another long walk. I would not say that I am in very good shape at all, but we do have the benefit of living in a hilly neighborhood and our house is situated at the highest point of the neighborhood. So when I stick my child in the stroller I end up pushing 45-50 pounds of weight up all of those hills and it ends up being a pretty good workout.
After Adeline was in bed Adam and I ate dinner. I FINALLY made a roast in the crock pot that I thought turned out really well. That paired with mashed potatoes and I would say we had a nice fall dinner. Oh, did I mention it was 85 degrees today with high humidity? Maybe if I start dreaming of a white Christmas now it will be a mere 60 degrees by the time December rolls around.
Signing out... I suppose we will watch the presidential debate in 30 minutes. It is kind of neat that the moderator is a woman, but I have to be honest, I really don't enjoy watching debates. I will be a responsible voter though and do it anyways.
UPDATE: I heard on the news tonight all about how the moderator was going to be a woman, and clearly that isn't true. Can't remember which channel I was watching, but I promise I wasn't making that part up!
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